Pursuit of Happiness
What makes you happy? There is no right or wrong answer, it's different for everyone. Which is really cool when you think about it...we're all programmed a little differently. Or at least I think so.
I seem to hear this question a lot lately; I even ask myself. Maybe it's because I'm at "that age" where you start reflecting on your life: your successes, your failures, where you've focused your energy, and what it all means. Did things turn out the way you hoped for? Was it worth the time and effort? Are you happy? See...there it is. It seems to all come down to that one little word: happy.
So what makes me happy? Lots of things...sleeping in, a warm and bright day, making my husband smile, laughing with my family, joking around with my friends, a beautiful beach day, breathtaking sunsets, Bruno and Brooklyn being so excited when I'd come home...
The point is, you can't look to material things or people themselves to MAKE you happy; happiness comes from within. You have to dig deep inside and find those experiences that make your heart full and focus on them...only on them. I have a tendency to focus on the negative, and I truly believe if you put negative vibes out, you get negative vibes back. It's a bad habit I'm trying to break. And if you aren't happy, only YOU can make the changes to be happy. Life just isn't going to miraculously change it for you. It's a struggle, and sometimes frightening, but completely worth it.
Ok, so the Sunday sermon is over kids...now go be happy!