Exploring LA: Part I

Exploring LA: Part I

We've officially lived in Cali for six months now, and I can count on one hand the places we've actually visited in Los Angeles in our free time. How sad is that? In our defense though, we spend a lot of time during the week in a car stuck in traffic....so we generally aren't amped to hop in the car first thing Saturday or Sunday morning. But I will admit that we need to do more exploring of all the great things this area has to offer (especially since I'm back to walking pretty much without any pain or discomfort).

This past Saturday I dragged Dennis out and we went to a dessert shop in Koreatown called CottonHi. They sell soft-serve ice cream topped with organic, flavored cotton candy. You're probably gagging at the thought of so much sugar, but it actually wasn't overly sweet. We then tried making it to a museum before the general admission line closed, but traffic (that pesky traffic) kept us from getting there in time. We then headed to West Hollywood/Beverly Hills and strolled into a wine bistro to relax with some wine before our dinner reservations at The Ivy. If you follow me on snapchat, this is where Dennis and I were making those pictures with the filters. Clearly the wine started getting to us =) Back to The Ivy...my friend Melissa and I dined there when she was in town for work back in December, and I remember the food being so delicious. Plus, I love the dinnerware...it makes me happy. The food was so good (hubby was happy) and we left with two boxes full of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Delish! Highly recommended if you're ever in LA and want a great meal. 

By the way, my foot has improved and healed so well that I'm allowed to wear any shoe that can fit on my foot! Whoop whoop! It feels good having more than one footwear option now!

Outfit details:

Rails maxi buttondown (this plaid is sold out, but they have others) 

Frye moto boots

Super old Michael Kors bag...I'm sure it's not produced anymore. 

Therapeutic Views

Therapeutic Views

Runyon Canyon

Runyon Canyon