Therapeutic Views

Therapeutic Views

I'm a sucker for a spectacular view. There's something about being surrounded by something so awe inspiring and beautiful. It doesn't necessarily have to be nature, I find certain urban or city views quite stunning as well. But...nature views tug on my heart strings a little more. 

So, y'all have read that we've been hiking before in Palos Verdes at Ocean Trails (another great view spot), but there's an even BETTER view at Del Cerro Park, which is pretty much the highest point on the peninsula. There are awesome trails there to explore as well, but that's a separate post. We've hiked some of the trails several times now, and I've burdened Brooklyn with wearing his GoPro fetch so I can put together another video from his point of view. I'm still fascinated by it, obviously. 

This view though....

Have you ever been so captivated by a particular view and you just felt at peace? I have, a handful of times, and this was one of those. The past six months haven't been the easiest, and I remembering sitting in silence for a few minutes and a wave of gratefulness just spilled over me. I felt emotionally stronger leaving that morning. Nature really is fucking amazing. I guess that's why I enjoy being outside so's rejuvenating and resets your mind and soul. So, if you're feeling a little blue lately, GET OUTSIDE!

Maxed Out

Maxed Out

Exploring LA: Part I

Exploring LA: Part I